If you’ve ever visited one of New England’s many beaches, you may have wished to take some of the color, feeling, and ambiance of that visit home with you. New England coastal areas are unique in their charm, appearance, and rocky, natural beauty. It’s these attributes that many homeowners want to capture when they turn to the New England coastal style of interior design. If you love this look and are considering a new bathroom design, you may be pleasantly surprised to find that there are many ways to capture these looks and incorporate them into your home, regardless of its age, location, or style.

What Is New England Coastal Style?

New England coastal style gets its inspiration from the area it’s named after. The rocky coasts of New England have a lot of history, with many of them seeing some of the first houses and towns in the country. The interior design is heavily based on the colors, textures, and materials that you’re likely to find in this area, with some nods toward traditional architecture and fittings.

This means that you’ll see a lot of seagreens, blues inspired by both sea and sky, and neutrals ranging from sandy tan to rocky gray. You’ll also see a lot of natural materials including stone, wood, jute, seagrass, and other materials that may be found in this area. The style itself sometimes includes rustic elements, as well as traditional elements, including pedestal sinks and claw foot or pedestal tubs in the bathroom. Wallpaper, marine and nautical-inspired accents, and cottage-style beadboard on walls and ceilings are also common.

The Difference Between Beach and Coastal Style

Beach-themed bathrooms are very common as well, but they can differ radically from the New England coastal style. This is because there’s a big difference between the rocky New England coast, and a beach in an area like Florida or California. The colors are more muted in coastal style, as well as being softer. You’re also more likely to see more traditional and rustic elements in coastal design, while beach-themed spaces may have more modern and contemporary elements, including glass tiles, bright, bold colors, and whimsical elements such as tile accents in the shapes of shells or waves. Coastal style may have some nautical accents, such as sailboats or anchors, as well as natural shells, starfish, and other natural accents, but these tend to be more subtle and traditional in style, rather than whimsical or the main focus of the design.

Elements to Include in a New England Coastal Bathroom

There are many ways you can capture the look of New England coastal style in your bathroom. There are several key features of the design, however, that should be included to help ensure you evoke the right style and look for the space.

Color is one of the most important. All New England coastal style bathrooms will include one or more colors that you’ll find on the New England coast. The most common of these is several shades of blue. From the deep gray blue of the ocean on a stormy day to the bright blue of the sky on a clear day, as well as the many shades of blue green that can be found in the sea and waterways, blue is a big part of many New England coastal designs. Blue-greens and seagreens are also very common colors. Cream, beige, tan, and gray are also extremely common. White is often used as an accent; it’s rarely the main color used in these spaces.

Wainscoting is another very common element in coastal design, particularly in the bathroom. Wainscoting can be made of tile or beadboard, and may go to either waist or chest height in the room. If the bathroom has a shower, the same tile used on the wainscoting may extend into the shower as well.

Patterned floors are common in coastal bathroom designs as well. These can fall into a few categories. Mosaics are very common, particularly traditional patterns like basketweaves, hexagons, and octagon-and-dot patterns. Because coastal design goes back centuries, many older bathrooms used mosaics to conform to the uneven floors of older homes. Newer bathrooms don’t need mosaics in the same way, which is why patterned floor tiles including porcelain and cement tiles have also become popular. They give a nod to traditional styles, while having a fresher, more up to date appearance.

Because natural materials are very common in coastal design, it’s also common to see natural wood floors, as well as wood-look porcelain floors, and floors made with natural materials like river stones, which help invoke the feeling of the rocky New England beaches.

Texture is also a big part of coastal design. Natural fabrics, rough stone and wood textures, and textured wall coverings are also common to the style.

This extends to many components of the style – including things like light fixtures, sinks, fittings, and faucets. Textured tiles can be used on the walls or floors, and can include both stone and textured ceramic tiles to help get the natural look that’s integral to the design.

And finally, New England coastal style is practical. It’s also very thoughtful – many of the pieces placed in the design are there for comfort and use – there isn’t anything in the design that’s there simply for appearance. While the bathroom may be beautiful, it’s also meant to be used.

Get the Look for Yourself

If you’re considering a coastal style for your next bathroom remodel, be sure to stop into Tile Showcase. We’ve been supplying tile to the New England area for decades, and know New England style and architecture inside and out. No matter what your goal is for your coastal-inspired design, our Design Consultants can help you find the right tiles and accents to make it come alive. Stop in or make an appointment today to get started.